Perhaps the title is hinting that they ARE very much legal. Or just fairly good lawyers.
Perhaps the title is hinting that they ARE very much legal. Or just fairly good lawyers.
Man, talking pictures really ruined the cinema for me.
"Oh my God, Morrisette wrote a song about blowing Dave Coulier in a movie theater! How edgy!" - Everyone in the 90s.
I was…
…one of the five people to see this horrendous piece of crap in theaters. It was hypnotically awful.
Nothing about modern American icon Elliott Yamin?!
I don't know, this one seemed like a bit of a return to form for Nabin. The last one was, admittedly, a bit weak. But I quite liked this one. He works best when there's an overarching theme to deal with. The last one felt more like a checklist, but here he's more on his game.
Challenge accepted, Violet Crumbles.
I've been down!
This road !
Walking the line that's painted by pride!
And I have made mistakes in my life that I just can't hide!
Just don't get Sevigny drunk before your next interview with her!
"Drunk Television Review of the Week!"
I think he was expecting to see the lesbians he's used to seeing when he Googles the word in between "hot" and "action."
He criticized the lesbians in "The Kids Are All Right" for being NORMAL?! If I didn't know better I'd say he missed the point.
Hey Todd…
Have you ever seen a pilot and thought "Hmm, maybe I'll have someone ELSE review this one?"
Actually, yeah. I should have gone with "Solomon" instead. I forgot it existed.
Hopefully it's as good as "Let's Go to Prison!"
I didn't LOVE this episode, but…
Nolan Gould is able to surprise me week after week in the best way possible. There isn't a word that comes out of his mouth that isn't hilarious.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie.
The Last Exorcism
For the first two acts, this could have been one of my favorite movies of the year. Too bad the AWFUL ending changed that. Seriously, if you want to see a good movie ruined in the last five minutes, see "The Last Exorcism".
I hope…
…the dialogue in this movie's second half consists only of "fuck".
It's obvious.
THIS is the show they should call "Beach Dicks".