
On a note unrelated to anything:
I find all the OUTSOURCED ads on the site enraging. I know a man's got to make a buck in this world, but come ON. OUTSOURCED?!

My dad bought the new Goo Goo Dolls album, and they have a song called "Hey Ya" on it. That's inexcusable.

I've been waiting for a RZA/Crowe/Roth production for longer than you can imagine. Such a natural fit.

This shit
just shocked my eyelids!

First thing I noticed…
Being Michael Madsen?

It is one of their best series, but the ratings dropped off towards the end of last season ever so slightly.

Paul Lieberstein
is one confident sonofabitch. Also, he obviously hasn't heard of "Scrubs".

@Horrible Nameless One- Then they should just give up, because I can cut a mean rug.

There's only one way we can settle this. Someone's going to need to get a print of it.

Michael Keaton was the best part of "The Other Guys" by a mile.

Downloaded. Don't let me down.

Reading this…
…gave me a "Last Airbender" nightmare flashback.

Now "Toy Story 3" took business from "Avatar" as well as "Alice in Wonderland"! Now he'll need to re-release "Avatar" a SECOND time! Now with Na'vi pillow talk afterwards!

That's what I thought, but "What's going on?" has been what I've found the most online. Of course, the internet also tells me Obama's a Muslim.

I second Jesus on this one.

Yay, abuse jokes!

Sometimes you can "have" them as well.

"Kid A"? Anyone? I've seen various websites have a million different lyrics for "Morning Bell".

This, if anything
is a missed opportunity for a Mr. Show reference.

Bob's Face
when he does the Peppermint voice is one of my favorite things. Ever.