
No! It's just a coincidence!

I'm just here to say that Colin Quinn is a genius.

I remember when Kurt Cobain died, they did this awesome retrospective on him that they haven't run since. Lots of rare material. They should air THAT.

Agreed, it's hard to picture him as down on his luck loser. For more information, please see "Enough Said."

Word, I also thought they were bro and sis.


It's like a Richard Price novel come to life, hallelujah!

OH SHIT WHATS UP! haha lol haha

Or a counselor of some sort.

I wonder why Tyrell of all people would be so prominent in the dream sequence. Also, why wasn't Romero there? He didn't know Romero was dead yet at that point.

No the DJ on the party flyer was Mobley, the fat hacker guy.

Alright boys! Looks like we're about to have some plot development. Only took four episodes!

stupid sexy Disqus.

Don't disrespect it.

Don't forget about Toadvine's Whorehouse.

Can she be done with us, too?

"I 'ave a bloody name, ya know!" -mubly scottish guy from Sons of Anarchy, probably.

What's Elliot's motivation at this point? Other than ditching Mr. Robot I mean.

Alexa, what time is it (even though I have a phone in my hand)?

That was just grits.