
Well i was visiting my Parents, so we got drunk on lots of champaigne then started discussing why I'm such a failure in life, then the topic switched to why my father shouldn't have any problems with homosexuals, the failure of my parents marriage and then the topic switched to our porn habits. It was actually not

I think Parks and Rec is a little too happy and schmalzy for me, to be considered as great (id do like it, dont get me wrong). Now this might sound weird, considering that i love this show and community, but I think these shows have happy schmalzy humor ect grounded in some cold harsh realities of life, Kate has to

My guess is that, those shows don't get such devotion from their fans, but the people who watch them will be just as obnoxious, its jsut that they will be arguing about some car or a sportsteam (and im sure you have seen more loud and obnoxious sportsfans than doctor who fans).
Edit: which isn't to say nerdier people

But thats not really a legitimate gripe, because the culture at large was for a very long time 'unfriendly' to female nerds. What i mean by that is, that it was seen (and still is, but to a lesser degree) as normal to buy the boy some star wars action figures, but the

I always hear him saying "my mom wants me to become an orphan" which just makes the whole clip that much better.

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus  Yeah thats a great book, you should finish reading it.

You might like the book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" by Susan Cain, it was a pretty big hit so you might have already read it though.

Ok am I the only one here, for whom this show is at the absolute top? like it has past community for me, just in terms of how much I love watching it. It's hitting some kind of personal sweet spot for me, just a little bit better than even community did, which I had previously thought was not possible.

she put her hands above, to try to visualize that tommy's hair was too big for the post man. It was hilarious.

"What did Vera do to get Ben to change his mind about coming home with her?"
She didn't do anything, its just that Ben realized that best case scenario he has sex with her and she loves his buisiness plan, worst case, he just has sex with her. I mean she had been flirty the whole time, the only reason he even

I really love the adam character, and this episode has made me like marnie alot more than I did last season. i don't think there is another character like adam anywhere else on tv at all.

thank you very much.

@avclub-a81cad6cb8e49065dd6a3d16c3740f80:disqus Well german-americans at the time of the movie were more likely than most other whites (though not all) to be against slavery, or at the very least sympathetic to the union. Which isn't to say they were not also racists, but they were less violent towards blacks, than

it was very clearly established that she took the job at the dealership and there have been multiple episodes that either had a bigger plotline focused on it, or at least some throwaway lines.

he is probably the best written gay character on tv in maybe ever. Sure he isn't exactly some kind of gay fantasy, but thats the point he is an actual human being devoid of any stereotype. I mean sure he does gross things, so in that sense he might be the grosses gay on tv, but he is not in anyway a weak link.

yay more ben and kate, my life has just gotten a little but noticable bit better.

Oh i love that series, and was just about to make a post about it. Its fun to watch and a nice source of coming up with new games to play. sadly the episodes are only bi weekly, so i'm always wanting more!

Well at least now we know what vibrators emily swears by XD

I just try not to think about that. Thanks a lot.