dont just watch the best, watch pretty much all after the story of the 50. sure there will be some b episodes in there, but you will have a better experience overall.
dont just watch the best, watch pretty much all after the story of the 50. sure there will be some b episodes in there, but you will have a better experience overall.
yeah I have never really understood that either, I don't really care if women talk about their bodies, worst thing that could happen is that some part of the discussion turns me on or something and if that happens, so fucking what?
yeah I have never really understood that either, I don't really care if women talk about their bodies, worst thing that could happen is that some part of the discussion turns me on or something and if that happens, so fucking what?
@avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus you can type "@nameofwhoeveryouarerespondingto" without the "" and it will give them a notification.
@avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus you can type "@nameofwhoeveryouarerespondingto" without the "" and it will give them a notification.
trains are not inconvenient or expensive, just ask europe. the problem is that america is just a little to fucked to understand how awesome trains are.
trains are not inconvenient or expensive, just ask europe. the problem is that america is just a little to fucked to understand how awesome trains are.
well thats also often the flipside to people who do jobs that are their hobbies. But they tend to nonetheless still enjoy it, just maybe not as much as they would if it were more rare. This isn't to defend the many wrongs that do happen in the porn industry though, but I think the idea that many have, that every porn…
well thats also often the flipside to people who do jobs that are their hobbies. But they tend to nonetheless still enjoy it, just maybe not as much as they would if it were more rare. This isn't to defend the many wrongs that do happen in the porn industry though, but I think the idea that many have, that every porn…
I view it like I view prostitution, regulate the shit out of it (though not literally… or nevermind, I do mean that literally). Trying to hide it all or make it illegal will without a doubt just make things worse for the actresses, just like it does for prostitutes.
I view it like I view prostitution, regulate the shit out of it (though not literally… or nevermind, I do mean that literally). Trying to hide it all or make it illegal will without a doubt just make things worse for the actresses, just like it does for prostitutes.
I don't know don't most people dream of a job where they are mainly doing things they enjoy? So why is it so different with sex? i mean I understand why there are big drawbacks to actually being a porn star, but most of them seem to come from the additude of most of society towards porn and the repercusions of that…
I don't know don't most people dream of a job where they are mainly doing things they enjoy? So why is it so different with sex? i mean I understand why there are big drawbacks to actually being a porn star, but most of them seem to come from the additude of most of society towards porn and the repercusions of that…
he sure has lots of friends with friends, it seems to go all the way back to moses.
he sure has lots of friends with friends, it seems to go all the way back to moses.
yeah its not so much what he did, than that he doesn't seem to regret it, because it was a horrible thing to do, if he regrets it its only because of the bad publicity it got him. He seems to try to justify it and his fans seem to cheer him on for doing that and thats whats so disgusting.
yeah its not so much what he did, than that he doesn't seem to regret it, because it was a horrible thing to do, if he regrets it its only because of the bad publicity it got him. He seems to try to justify it and his fans seem to cheer him on for doing that and thats whats so disgusting.
@Lord_Tubbington:disqus Well the way she cheated was pretty dumb, I mean with the kids right in the other room and then also forgetting to go back after the sex until she randomly wakes up in the morning.
@Lord_Tubbington:disqus Well the way she cheated was pretty dumb, I mean with the kids right in the other room and then also forgetting to go back after the sex until she randomly wakes up in the morning.
thats the problem with the whole woodbury setup, how are they going to fight over 70 people and should they really? most of them seem innocent enough.