
oh man this show just makes me happy as all hell, like no other tvshow.

what was that musik in the rachel scenes at the end? i know its from some really famous old movie, but i just can't place which one. anyone know?

what was that musik in the rachel scenes at the end? i know its from some really famous old movie, but i just can't place which one. anyone know?

isn't ryan murphy responsible for "the new normal" as well? because there was also a treme joke in the latest episode of that one. so does ryan murphy really hate or really respect david simon?

isn't ryan murphy responsible for "the new normal" as well? because there was also a treme joke in the latest episode of that one. so does ryan murphy really hate or really respect david simon?

Yeah I don't think I care as emotionally about any other characters on a tv show as I do about these guys. And to think that I had at first given up on it, because the first few episodes kind of dissapointed me. Thank god I found the light later!

Yeah I don't think I care as emotionally about any other characters on a tv show as I do about these guys. And to think that I had at first given up on it, because the first few episodes kind of dissapointed me. Thank god I found the light later!

well they are also sort of graded against their own genre. But even then, I don't think child abuse should ever get better than a C+ !!!

well they are also sort of graded against their own genre. But even then, I don't think child abuse should ever get better than a C+ !!!

I saw the episode where they go to the redneck olympics and its pretty clear the little girl is very very unlikley to have a happy future a head of her. But to be honest i don't really care that much about her or her families future, because there are so many sad fates in this world. I have a much bigger problem about

I saw the episode where they go to the redneck olympics and its pretty clear the little girl is very very unlikley to have a happy future a head of her. But to be honest i don't really care that much about her or her families future, because there are so many sad fates in this world. I have a much bigger problem about

yay, my gut reaction is validated by a fancy shmancy theory name, time to get myself a beer and not feel bad that I never got the grades to study psychology, since I obviously don't even need to!

yay, my gut reaction is validated by a fancy shmancy theory name, time to get myself a beer and not feel bad that I never got the grades to study psychology, since I obviously don't even need to!

pretty much why i hate most reality shows.

pretty much why i hate most reality shows.

Yeah, I hate these kinds of reality shows. I mean there are some, which are kind of fun, like "the amazing race", but shows like honey boo boo, seem to be there only so that the audience can watch them and suddenly feel better about themselves, while not having actually done anything to better themselves.
 Next time

Yeah, I hate these kinds of reality shows. I mean there are some, which are kind of fun, like "the amazing race", but shows like honey boo boo, seem to be there only so that the audience can watch them and suddenly feel better about themselves, while not having actually done anything to better themselves.
 Next time

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus  the name of the episode review with the list is "Olivia", in case you couldn't find it.

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus  the name of the episode review with the list is "Olivia", in case you couldn't find it.

I don't know, my favorite tv show right now is fringe, but I got into fringe very late, because when I started watching the show when it premiered, it was pretty weak and boring and I quit. But I kept reading so many people praise the show on here, so I got curious, and decided to find out when the show got good and