
"It continues to be amazing to me how naïve Will and Mackenzie are about
pretty basic things, like whether the RNC will let them do a debate
that’s just Will shouting at the candidates or whether repeating fairly
basic things about the Tea Party caucus will move the dial in any way,
shape, or form."

@Scrawler2:disqus if they are all at different banks, he doesn't even have to schmooze anyone at all. first he doesn't need a suitcase at all and one guy going to his one deposit box every few weeks is such a small thing noone would think anything of it at all. And mike should have at least kept all his kaylee money

@Scrawler2:disqus if they are all at different banks, he doesn't even have to schmooze anyone at all. first he doesn't need a suitcase at all and one guy going to his one deposit box every few weeks is such a small thing noone would think anything of it at all. And mike should have at least kept all his kaylee money

Yeah he never tells her, I actually find that to be pretty telling, even in such an extreme situation as losing your child, louie still can't help but be afraid of the possible consequences of telling his wife. He would rather try to find her in the hope that nothing bad actually happens, than do everything needed to

Yeah he never tells her, I actually find that to be pretty telling, even in such an extreme situation as losing your child, louie still can't help but be afraid of the possible consequences of telling his wife. He would rather try to find her in the hope that nothing bad actually happens, than do everything needed to

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus Î think you don't quite understand the Issue Chocolatestigmata has (though i might just be interpreting her wrong, so I just want to make clear that the following is how I interpret her and may not actually be her point, but just my own misinterpretation):
She doesn't

@avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus Î think you don't quite understand the Issue Chocolatestigmata has (though i might just be interpreting her wrong, so I just want to make clear that the following is how I interpret her and may not actually be her point, but just my own misinterpretation):
She doesn't

with Ikea closet, I just basically meant any type of store bought normal closet instead of a walk in one. I have never lived in New York though so I guess they are pretty small there then, in which case it is probably weirder for her to be in the closet.

with Ikea closet, I just basically meant any type of store bought normal closet instead of a walk in one. I have never lived in New York though so I guess they are pretty small there then, in which case it is probably weirder for her to be in the closet.

well I'm german and the german spelling is Karussell, so I guess that played into how I spelled it.

well I'm german and the german spelling is Karussell, so I guess that played into how I spelled it.

she had her headphones of and was thus presumably listening to music.

she had her headphones of and was thus presumably listening to music.

while I don't think its necessarily misogynistic nor completely useless, you did convince me during the girlfriend part 2 comments, that it also isn't a particularly useful term and Rabin definitly uses it way too much, so often infact that with him it loses even the little utility the term might have. I don't know if

while I don't think its necessarily misogynistic nor completely useless, you did convince me during the girlfriend part 2 comments, that it also isn't a particularly useful term and Rabin definitly uses it way too much, so often infact that with him it loses even the little utility the term might have. I don't know if

If you acted as dumb as Louie did, then you sort of deserve it.

If you acted as dumb as Louie did, then you sort of deserve it.

I don't know if you live in america, but "closet rooms" are much more common there than in europe (and i assume the rest of the world), so she probably wasn't in some ikea closet thats really small and tight and uncomfortable to sit in. (than again, they are in new york so its possible it was actually an ikea closet).

I don't know if you live in america, but "closet rooms" are much more common there than in europe (and i assume the rest of the world), so she probably wasn't in some ikea closet thats really small and tight and uncomfortable to sit in. (than again, they are in new york so its possible it was actually an ikea closet).

It seems one in which getting attacked by giant monsters or supervillians is a real threat people in buses have to be worried about.