Real Irwin

Not jumping face-first into this argument, but I'd just like to add that yes—all giant corporations are evil. They have all done horrible things in the past for the sake of profit, even if we do not publicly know about them. And morality aside, campaign finance is a huge fucking deal and it's a big reason for why our

Can't it be…both?

Take a look at the way Shyamalan shoots the faces of people looking at things in wonder if you have any doubts about his similarities to Spielberg.


It's not that it has one big twist, but a series of effect tweaks on the formula which wounded up working really well for me.

Check it out You're Next! Similar kind of set up to The Strangers, but with some inventive twists on the story and a wildly different tone.

I could not possibly care less about your insults, but I hope that you might be able to recognize the depths of your assholery before you post in the future. Have a good one!

I'm pretty sure that mocking someone for being different is a pretty good sign of causal racism. Obviously you know what his name is; it's not like it is that difficult to pronounce. Or it may be that you're just an asshole that makes obvious, unfunny jokes which have been already repeated hundreds of times.

Eh, that's okay, I'd rather back away now and not expend any more thought on your existence.

Okay, no worries, I'll let your racism go unchecked.

HAHAHAHA, you made fun of someone for having a name of different cultural origin from yours, YOU ARE SO FUNNY!

Hey, they didn't even kiss at the end.

Are you referring to Talking Wife?

But she cheered at the end when Sandra Bullock told Keanu Reeves that they would have to base their relationship on sex, right?

Yeah, he sounds pretty uninformed if he thinks this is the douchiest article published here. Step up your game, Thomas Bauer.

Lol you loser if you read Mass Effect Revelations you'd know that the volus are a bunch of turds. The Turians are sweet I love Garrus, no homo tho.

Well, they're all on Youtube, making their affinity known to the world.

It could be worse. They could have murdered Bill Shakespeare.

Here's my thing: I really dislike it when people ask questions during a movie (especially in the theater), in particular when it has to do with the plot. I find it irritating because simply continuing to watch the movie will usually resolve any questions. Why do you need to ask them? Just watch the movie!

"Hello, Mr. Urich. Who's that with you?"