Real Irwin

In that moment, that series basically becomes Terminator…and then completely forgets about it.

In that moment, the series basically becomes Terminator…and then completely forgets about it.

As if the target audience.

He truly is the Tyler Durden of real life.

There is no justification. He just thought it would be funny.

If Mark Wahlberg were there, we would have stopped Shia from stealing other people's work.

No way!

You say that about everything!

Yeah, why don't they just turn the movie into a Polanski-style urban paranoia movie, with Peter Parker slowly losing his mind?

The mind BOGGLES!

This is why I drench my McRibs in whiskey before meals.

So you're saying…es bueno?

This was the hardest click of my life.

It can't be long before we get Rocket Racer!


Hey, I'm in the middle of an internship right now, and it's not like I'm going to be lounging around whenever I get back. You can probably afford something higher shelf, too.

The sad thing is, I know I'm going to be drinking this shit at some point when I go back to college in a few weeks. It's inevitable.

Well obviously this is the beginning of a massive NCIS/AHS: Coven crossover!

Hopefully, HDTGM will get around to doing Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

We're wanted men! We've been banned on twelve sites!