Reggie C.

Well Roy's got sunglasses at least, Morton's the ugliest, guess that's pretty much it though

Am I insane or is this article about how supposedly film-like the actual tour is and not reviewing a literal film?

His book How to Sharpen Pencils (which this review kind of breezed past) is good too - he totally devoted himself to the subject - so I'm excited he got this show that further explores that idea

I've actually avoided listening to Total/Noodle and also never checked out Something - think I'll give them a try after this reminded me of them.

Harmless = AV Club Music Section Gold

Yeah I agree with Pepsi Jr. - I read the "Lost in the Funhouse" book along with that one and realized Zmuda's book is not so hot / has way less insight. Funhouse does have a somewhat arty/pretentious writing style, but worth getting through.



Didn't have what it takes to get through Nabin's thick melon

Didn't have what it takes to get through Nabin's thick melon

I'm surprised - I thought it was great! Admittedly I'm an Albini fan but I generally love it when a guest is able to put Tom on defense (Zach Galifianakis has done this in the past). Steve's throwaway "sour grapenade" line was my favorite of the show.

I'm surprised - I thought it was great! Admittedly I'm an Albini fan but I generally love it when a guest is able to put Tom on defense (Zach Galifianakis has done this in the past). Steve's throwaway "sour grapenade" line was my favorite of the show.

Yeah I always bust up when JW does those high intensity crazy voices like this one's Squiggy, or Old Man Dalrimple and especially Brimstead.

Yeah I always bust up when JW does those high intensity crazy voices like this one's Squiggy, or Old Man Dalrimple and especially Brimstead.

Yeah, I like Todd's in-studio appearances he's done in the past, but  this call was pretty light. Otherwise a really good episode I thought, especially since it didn't focus on Celebrity Apprentice.

Yeah, since that's WTF's strength I guess I went in hoping it would be a more introspective or fleshed out elaboration on his life, instead of the rehashing of stories it ending up being. I was cringing listening because he was sticking so verbatim to what he wrote.

"Come down here and I will, no kidding, take your life"

"Book reading" is right - aside from Norman Wexler's name, there was nothing said by Zmuda that wasn't in his book, word for word at times. As someone who had already read it quite a while ago I was disappointed that Zmuda wasn't willing to go any further / reveal anything new after all this time, even with Marc

For some reason on the best show football topics always seem to crop up around this time of year, really strange…

In that case, there's a great Todd Barry in-studio appearance on the show from May 5 2009 (easily the best of him on the show so far b/c it features really funny interaction w/ callers and a Jon Wurster character)