Jose Peterson

I still so, so wish they had done that at the end of Jason Segal's Muppets movie, as they are both Disney properties.

I'll bet they have slot machines there instead of port-a-potties.

Don't lose too much money!

Not as long as Predator's on.

Yes. Yes it does.

"I've Just Seen a Face" is a really nifty song. Too bad on the original Help! album, it's followed immediately by "Yesterday". It was better served opening up the American Rubber Soul album.

Reluctant, vomit-inducing upvote


You'll have to ask the fine people of his congressional district.

So YOU'RE the new White House Communications Director.

I just got through a pretty good bout of depression, only to have Charlottesville happen, and to come down with a cold. Craptastic.

No, no, it's still there.

Yeah, I noticed him too. You just know it, don't ya.

You're gonna get baked? Will your dad approve?

Now more than ever we need Hooray This Shit. So:
Hooray for my best bowling game ever this last Monday, when I took my boy in the afternoon. It was just a 160, but it included a Turkey, so that was cool!
Hooray for Wet Hot American Summer: 10 Years Later. Just got the chance to start watching it, and it's wonderful.

Sorry to hear it. I know it's super tough now, but I hope something valuable will have come from the process.

So proud.

Everyone in that picture went on to vote for Trump.

In my experience, that's not how therapy works.

That's the thing… I'm definitely of a certain age, and I've never heard of it, I think.