Gavin McSunny

Remember, kids, it weakens the legs…

Best name ever. Pro tennis player Jack Sock

pretty sure they edit that out of certain rerun time slots. sad for us as it's freakin' brilliant.

It's a penny for your thoughts, but you put your two cents in…someone's making a penny

Hey, DBT dropped a new album today…let's review Lea Michele!


um…that's not his foot

Just saw Die Hard, haven't finished Animal House…how do you work at the AV Club?

Can i borrow your towel? My car just hit a water buffalo…

and they were strutting

get it?  the author's name is Strayed and she strayed off the path…

oh, i thought i was going to have to redact my friend ed…he'll be so relieved

do you have to be dacted before you can be redacted?

I think it would be most sensational

No Vacancy!

alert your televisions they may be in danger

zeitgeist…it's the new showrunner!

Did Robin Wright Penn this or did someone else write it?

I thought this article was about Encyclopedia Brown.

He looks like he was made up by a person who failed to complete beauty school.