
Damn that Kelly Osbourne
In Love and Death was a good follow up to their debut album. It did a good job of doing that whole emo-kinda pop thing they were going for.

"V" will be bad. Wash and Juliette are not enough to save that show.

YOU did the interview?
Josh, were you the cameraman or something?

I know religion as a whole isn't popular on this site, but Jesus Christ..

I need some resolution!
This episode felt a bit inconclusive for a season finale. Yes, I know we don't go to 30 Rock primarily for the character development, but I expected Liz to be cut down for her arrogant assumption that The Dealbreaker was a valid way to go. Perhaps Pete, surprised by Liz's low estimation of

Dr. Venture
James Urbanak…in my "Office''?

her next movie…
Every Rachel Weisz movie is the same.
Rachel Weisz is sick or upset about something…and then I come in and have sex with her.

I enjoyed the show. Better than other things on Fox's Sunday lineup. I think if the show hadn't advertised it's attachment to Hurwhich, people expecting nothing would really like it.

i dont need no damn phone
I remember the ads saying the only way to check this show out was on some damned on-demand phone service. I aint got time to watch no moving images on my celluar phone.

good lord woman.

The only really enjoyable episode of the season (besides The Coon).
Recent episodes of the show have been too much about pop culture references.
I must be growing away from the South Park demographic. The two most popular episodes (based on my converstaions) "About Last Night" and "Fishsticks" were some of the slowest

All I care about in this movie is Deadpool. From what I can tell, he will be wasted. But Ryan Reynolds as the Merc With a Mouth is great casting.

great line. But I always would think to myself at that part "I wonder if DC is pissed they're not getting residuals for that"

Wait. "Highness"? Is this a drug joke in the title? Oh this is going to be good.

Olympics opening ceremony
If a large group of people running around with glowing lights to crazy music is enough to get a peabody, why has my rave group gone unnoticed for so long?