
I sincerely hope AV Club covers this season as well. I really enjoyed Kate's reviews. I feel like the first season had to lay a lot of groundwork and I'm kind of hoping season two is where the fireworks are really set off. It has the potential to be really fucking great.

they filmed the new season during summer this time. The show premiered at the end of March, finished in May, and now it will be back first thing 2017, so yeah, nice not to have to wait a full year.

I don't know about a young Obama, but Devon Terrell looks like the spitting image of a young Giancarlo Esposito. If Vince ever decides to do a Rise Of Gus series, he's got Gus, The Pinochet Years, right here.

So then I gather they all stayed put during the blowjob? (or rather, attempted blowjob, since it is not a successful one)

He really was terrific. He was flirty and sexy and real. I enjoyed the third act a lot due to his performance. I also think Mahershala was terrific. I wish there'd been more of him.

Just right.

I thought Mr. Brady was more into twinks.

It's too big!! ….. to be a space station.

Hoo boy. I love Damian Lewis, but looks like someone's had some work done. I'm getting strong Wynn Duffy vibes around the eyebrows.

Did not see your comment before I posted upthread, but agree 100%.

I grew up loving disco, but I was raised in Miami Beach in the heady coke days of the 70s and 80s. For me, disco came to represent coming out. It was music rooted in soul and funk and it was not only embraced by the gay community, but gave expression to gay voices. A lot of those gay voices who happened to be black.

I still cry every time I watch You Can Count On Me and this review not only sounds like I'll be sobbing/laughing my way through Lonergan's new one, too, but it's already got me started. Dowd has gotten me teary-eyed again, damn it. SO looking forward to this and Moonlight.

the last few minutes of Nights Of Cabiria always manages to restore my faith in humanity. The entire film attests to the indomitable spirit of mankind and I sob every time I watch it. I'm trying to hang on to perspective here.

Totally looking forward to this movie. I still can't get over You Can Count On Me. I fucking cry in the final scene every goddamn time. Hoping Manchester By The Sea stays with me just as long.

Whoa, whoa, whoa - Andre Holland is in this, too?

I'm really excited to see this - and considering I'm in Miami I am expecting it to play at one of the indie film houses at the very least - but it has to be said. This review was beautifully written. I got choked up just envisioning the film through Dowd's words.

That's because I just made the term up. In other words, instead of a relationship, I'm more interested in the human drama of a big ol' mess between two characters.

I've never been much of a shipper, but I am definitely a "messer".

Oh, shit, perfectly said.

I actually cannot stand the Bad Boy trope pawned off in romance stories as a legitimate love interest for the heroine. Having lived with the fallout of my mother's pick of a "bad boy" who used to beat the shit out of her, I have no interest whatsoever in that bullshit. But I made an exception for Spike simply because