
My description of my reaction wasn't literal, but rather hyperbolic for (hopefully) comedic effect.

They have this really weird disregard for BMO's feelings. BMO's their friend but they also seem to consider BMO an inanimate object that can't be hurt by their disregard despite the fact that it talks and runs around and gets sad and stuff. There's no better example of this maybe than the end of the episode where

EEEEEE. WALTER HAS ARRIVED. Also: lol Free Masons. I missed this batshit nutso show so much.

I've never hated anyone more than Abracadaniel the moment he started shoving BMO. YOU DO NOT FUCK WITH BMO. I WILL C U T Y O U.

All of the slow clap GIFs for Sean O'Neal…


Hannibal doesn't struggle to get made, exactly. While the ratings are low in the US, it's a hit in other countries and their studio arrangement's unusual (there's more than one). Part of the reason Fuller says he was never worried about getting a second season is because of that. It's cheap for NBC and he also said

Hannibal's also sticking to 13 episodes per season for however long it lasts, according to Bryan Fuller.

Yeeeeeeessssssssssssss. This show is so insane, I'm glad there's going to more of it even if it does finally tip over into totally awful instead of weirdly-endearing-and-crazy.

It's somehow completely surprising on a meta-show level to just discard a plotline that quickly that could have some juice, and yet as the review mentions so very R. Swanson to do exactly as he does. And omg it was PERFECT. Down to shooting it so that to be seen Leslie has to kind of hop around in the background in

Leslie's reactions in the background of the wedding ceremony was 10000% the same as mine. She was saying the things I was thinking as soon as I thought them. So very surprised/happy.

I remembered it as being the creators, but couldn't imdb at the moment I was writing that and didn't want to misspeak.
Anyway, yeah. Just wat at how good that first one is. If only Clone High was famous enough that they'd put "FROM THE CREATORS OF CLONE HIGH" on everything they do in big letters so I don't miss it like

I only watched the first one because some former Clone High people were involved and came away really pleasantly surprised by it. Saw they were making a sequel without said people's involvement, really, and …. Well. This letter grade does not surprise me.

I…… I could see myself going for that.

The latter I think. I just don't see space to do this and introducing a new big bad in the middle of literally the last episode while also trying to tie everything else up and pay everything else off is just way too big a stretch even for these writers.

It felt like a really great way of expressing that in a certain sense he's completing the circle and breaking bad all over again, and probably for the last time. Instead of doing the right thing and turning himself in cleanly with no further loss of life, we know he ends up back in town with a machine gun.

No one's keeping his secrets anymore with Hank dead and everything else. It's assumed Marie and Skyler have given up at least some version of the truth to the authorities.

Today I learned that Peter Gould (who will be showrunner for this) co-wrote the AMAZING 90s Double Dragon movie.

Good news!

I loved the way Odenkirk delivered that line like it's something Saul trots out all the time when dealing with people who recognize him from ads.