
"he didn't acknowledge the possibility that he was making a scene unnecessarily. And by the end of the episode, the show seems to have fully absolved and rewarded him."

It says something about how mustache-twirling evil he is but that you still can't completely side with Kristina when they get into it.

Cripes, you just reminded me how much worse the resolution to the Crosby/Jasmine split was worse than whatever comes of Joel and Julia. Jasmine completely shuts out Crosby, he gets (rightfully) pissed but then fucks it up by cheating on her. Jasmine gets (rightfully) pissed and calls it all off. They move on with

I love this.

Zeke had actually cheated on Camille first but that isn't to excuse her behavior.

She has hooked up with precisely two penises that we know of but that's cool, slut-shame her anyway. Girls who like sex are not worthy of marriage!

Give it up, Todd, we get it.

Natalie should have beat the shit out of Drew for being such a little bitch.

I am getting tired of the web just getting bigger and more complicated. Some Revengeance needs to happen real goddamn soon.

Definitive proof: Happy Endings > The Office


I am fine with it as it is karmic payback for Adam and Kristina being awful to everyone.

My guess is Zeke's heart attack in the season finale.

If any of the previous promos are anything to go by, what we saw for next week won't happen until the final minute anyway.

He even bought him more cashew butter! Drew is definitely the worse roommate of the two.

2 Mein 2 Kampf


Fair enough, I just thought they got back to the main premise of the show, were very tense and had an interesting conclusion.

Agreed. They really need to make guns more deadly to the non-zombies but instead when they shoot at humans they just spray bullets everywhere but into flesh.

The pilot for Awake is pretty spectacular but the final two episodes are the show's best.