
My wife on the taller Trump son with the clear eyebrows: "Why does he look so bad?"

Did you guys know that Walgreens discovered walking?

I pictured Kacie's parents as more Santorum supporters.

And she was the hottest.

1080 was the shit.  Sequel was pretty good too.  New 1080 and Wave Race please.


Thanks, asshole, that is going to be in my head all day.

Can someone please get Jim a better cellphone?  His might as well be steam-powered at this point.  Even that Arrowhead POS would be better.

Just add "Mea culpa, babe" to awesome Nolan-isms.

When Nolan's not onscreen all the other characters should be saying "Where's Nolan?!"

His "I'm Ron Swanson and you're Leslie *bleepin* Knope" and "Ron Swanson, any other damn thing you need" are worth a full season of jokes.  So many other shows work so hard to try and get something that isn't half of Ron and Leslie while P&R seems to do it so effortlessly (the same could be said for the whole show)

Or Something Borrowed.

Yeah, fuck the rumored Dwight spin-off.  I am ready to DVR 'Florida Stanley' right now!

Though I cannot resist any episode where Leslie and Ron have a nice little moment.  Their relationship is a very underrated and wonderful aspect of this show.

I really want the election to be over with because it brings out the worst qualities of Leslie that can get rather annoying.  The writers and Poehler have done a great job keeping them in check or having them bounce off the other characters but a good deal of the election-related episodes (Bowling, Campaign Ad) just

I think you mean 'am-MAH-zing'

Wholey agreed.  Dude will believe whatever the most recent thing told to him was no matter who tells him.

Maybe I need to go back and watch it but doesn't Emily see Sensei giving Nolan some sort of nod somewhere around Victoria's speech?  He could still pull it off and give Nolan some sort of confirmation at the party and then speed out of there to get Amanda.

While I agree I wish it was Daniel (his parents, both of which he hates, sure know how to convince him they are right with one single line) I am really glad I will never have to hear that little mouth inhale Tyler did in between each line.

You are probably right but the guy is one cool motherfucker because he does get back to the party looking smooth as shit before anyone from the party discovers Daniel.