"Monster" Charlize Theron or "2 days in the Valley" Charlize Theron?
"Monster" Charlize Theron or "2 days in the Valley" Charlize Theron?
Mr. McCartney has a suprising amount of white space in his calandar.
Mr. McCartney has a suprising amount of white space in his calandar.
Yeah I was expecting something a little more insightful but instead we get Patton Oswalt doing an impersonation of Zach Galafanakis doing an impersonation of Rob Schneider.
Sometimes the Captain has to make the tough choice and fall into the lifeboat so he can go home.
Curb- Palestinian Chicken
So I'm getting this vibe that Greg Garcia is only emotionally invested in his shows for 2 seasons and after that stops caring.
Which is surprising. Usually those are required to do a job.
Remember this the next time your sack is stuck to your leg while squating to pick up something.
You know this seems impressive but the sad reality is that this is 100% of the Community fan base.
Of course he forgot, Homerpolooza was 16 years ago. Let that one sink in.
All I hear is bitchin and moanin about the lack of character development. Let me ask you this, how many of you who feel that fleshing out characters is important for a post apocalyptic show remembered Andrea was a lawyer? Because if you didn't than your argument is invalid(ish). Every episode features zombies…
My God! Shes Hot!
Isnt that the guy from Command & Conquer?
No mention of The Shield? Name a better series that took arcs (long and short), world building, serializations and character development and blended them together in a more perfect balance.
I love you Spartacus
No actually he will fill in for another CIA agent who runs away to find himself by posing as that agent. But no one will know the difference until he goes to the press after a blackmail attempt fails.
Is this list backwards?
Leviticus was protecting use from Leisure Suits. Sure enough the world went to hell in 1979. Let it be written.
So this is apparently a thing?