Start of a new season
Start of a new season
She dated Frank Langella?
It was a red onion as you couldn't find white onions because of the war
And you will be wearing pajama bottoms, shower shoes and a backwards baseball cap mistakenly thinking this makes you look laidback and hip.
Dirty Meskins cant be racist.
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus As far as old fashion soda fountains you should visit the Dr Pepper plant in Dublin Texas. You can get old fashion DP (with cane sugar) in an Ice cream float with an extra dollop of syrup. Its quite possibly the best invention ever.
Where the fucks Gilbert Gottfried?
Why has the buzz around Warpaint cooled? Is it just because they are in between albums?
Holy GOD!!! You were in 5th grade during the OJ verdict?
At least the hat matches the carpet
Yeah I used to do that and then the bootle would go rolling down the floor and everyone was like "why is there a bottle of ketchup on the floor?" and I would be like "Gotcha!" and then they would pick up the bottle and put it back on the counter. It was funny.
Its some prety shitty stalking if you ask me. Seriously its about as realistic as a PG sex scene.
Actually I kind of looks like mine also you know the tree and the video's, plus I remember her being there a few weks back saying she was shooting a video for "psycho". You never can tell these things are vague.
Perhaps you were incumbered by your oversized sign
Huey Lewis does put on a good show.
There's a baby in that photo?
"Towelheaded littel waif"? Well who better to be holding dynamite?
Oh good so I can pass out drunk by the pool and not have to worry.
It’s hard to make nonfiction seem believable