
Your brothers Ron Weasely?

Gingahz 4 life.

They screwed up in the first episode with a neon sign that read Abita Jockomo IPA

She is without a doubt the best person on idol and i have no doubt that she will win. And by win I mean come in 2nd.

Seals and Croft
I just now realized that Dan Seals passed away last year. Where the fuck was I?

Don't worry Nate ill always be here to post. I'm also a fervent fan of Commander Cody. They are my Big Star.

Dammit Sean!!
You cant leave on a high note!!

The Clover is on the far end of Bourbon away from most of the crowd.

Thats what happened to Cafe Brazil. I remembered when the same thing happened to the Dragons Den.

You mean the airplane glue union.

I do love Sade. Her music makes me want to have sex. Specifically with Sade.

Also no mention of bipolarism

Also the video misses the complete opportunity of doing Britney on Britney action.

I Koski was truly the Queen she would delegate to one of the others to eat all this crap every week.

I prefer homemade NO2

Noel couldnt have been there or else they would have insisted on bodyshots

Yes the generic southerner passes for every characteruer of people below a certain latitude.

dont forget TBS

Didn't he get fired. I know they did a lot of house cleaning after the storm. And the CD comps are not cooperate. They are pretty good mixes of Jazzfest recordings but are not as eclectic as some of the late night shows like The Kitchen Sink (my personal favorite).

I have to admit as far as getting the tone of the city down its as good as Hollywood will ever get. The only thing that bugged me was the broad strokes some of the characters are painted in. The British guy was just stupid and unnecessary except to bring about Goodman's monologue.