
I agree with peter pan
Vaughn's arrangement was a strength but it did sound generic and he seemed a little uncomfortable up their with his guitar and smile.

You know what else works? Tevas. You know what Tevas wont do? Make you look like an escaped mental patient.

I hope one day i am graced with the honor of having my screen name displayed on a crumpled up piece of notebook paper in the AVClub.

…cause your AL-ready a queen.

I thought they went from Counting Crows to Black Crows.

I'm looking for some words that rhyme with life. Anyone…I guess well just repeat it a few times.

So its an anti-environmental song?

da ba dee

Viva Selena
not Gomez

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

What about Slayer and Manheim Steamroller bill. It wasn't easy keeping those Manheim fans in line and from rioting.

Actually i was referring to what Lobster1 said.

Have to air a grevance
You talked up Streets of Bakersfield yet not one mention of Flaco Jimenez who really makes the song what it is.

Yes good old KKYX. Its also where George Strait first made it big by getting his singles played on the air while visiting the studio.

Turn it on, Turn it up…

Golan Globus
Ah the forgotten 80's pop culture reference which I owe so much of my shitty childhood memories. Say what you want about AQ but was better than the 4th Indy movie in large part due o the uneven acting. Every time someone came on board just hamming it up it made watching another 20 minutes worth it.

*obscure KitH reference*

Matt Damon isn't half the man Pop is.

So the semi hipsters.

Female Porn
Who was the gut in the video? I cant quite place him.