
Rahway Duggar

It like he watche a Uwe Bol film and saw a challenge.

I cry everytime also. But I think it is largly due to the fact I have no friends and if this ever happened to me i really would have to kill myself.

Judging by some of the Renaissance and Baroque (the real paintings of light) period pieces I would say its well understood that religious moments are dark.

I dont much care for Kinkade and his bland paintings but that Christmas Tree Skirt is pretty sweet. Gotta pick one of those up. Thanks AV Club

Fine use of the word portmanteau. Somebody read their calendar this morning

Im pretty certain you could have just posted Guns n Roses video for each segment but that would have been boring. You gave too much credit to Morrisey

Poor Rabin
Good thing you've got your country music to cheer you up

Yes the movie was good up until the wacky computer voice pissed away my hard earned 1986 dollars.

Gotta love continuity

No Serenity?

Get Lost

Death proofs scene was better in that it was stright up natural with very little editing. Totally kicks ass. Too bad the first hour is like waterboarding.

The Happening is clunky but I think The Lady in the Water was his most self indulgent POS. Watching the Happening is like staring at a savant you have aspirations for but keeps relapsing just when you get your hopes up.

Who hasnt covered that song?

You got to love Gary's drinkin songs. If anything they are too gin soaked

So what happens if you dont put the cap back on correctly before handing it to your caddy.

Does the AV Club have its own exclusive Black Visa
If the Annual fee isnt right I might just pass and keep going to NM

I totally had something to say but it looks like I was beat to it. Anyway I like CoM and Alfonso's style. It works becuase it is his style, just like Kubrick. Look at the movie Atonement becuase I think that is a better example of what Mike is trying to state. The tracking shot in that is pointless and excessive

I was a little confused
Why was Tim Geitner speaking in Manderin?