
Poor people make good fuel.

Ah yes analog satellite with the black box you paid 200 for and werent suppose to talk about. Those were the days

All in the Movies
This has always been one of my favorite songs by Merle along with Silver Wing's yet for some reason i dont remember it being so countrypolitan and the lyrics seemed darker too as if he was singing the verse and trying to convince himself it was true.

I worked the rigs from 3 to midnight/ on the Corpus Cristi Bay/ I'd get off and drink till daylight/ sleep the morning away

Really? i thought my H2, Justin Timberlake collection and VP position at my father's business made me a douche.
Oh and I preety sure it will be addressed next week. Very subtle like " How did Sylar not die, he was stabbed in the head? He can shift shape. Sprint"

Good end
Thats it

thunder only happens when it raining…..

Yeah something like that. I think it went "Boy I wish I was watching Lost right now". Kind of a parallel

I was thinking how much it sucks when both your dads are Paul Reiser

I would prefer it if you referred to them as Holiday shoes.

Chang and Miles are just keepin it tight.

Dark Chocolate is just a psuedoterm for the chocolate we have yet to define.

Im going to kill him
Your not going to kill him
He cant be trusted
No one can be trusted
But I only want to kill him

I agree bring on the Rascal Flatts!!

Everyone knows the Reference

"Drinkin My Baby Goodbye" CDB. If your drinking, be up tempo about it

Seriously why are we being so difficult on the episode. Go watch BSG and feel a little better. This episode worked and it should not have being as there was little actual robot action. Even the conversations had gravity which they usually dont. If you dont like this episode then there is no hope for you.

You know until we are herded and groomed by senient robots you dont know what we will call them. K? Just saying

The Bitch on the Beach
Sarah Assbring should have changed her name when she had the chance.