Future Tense

@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus  You would want the same experience as the customer when tasting those condiments with those nuggets, so it doesn't matter about the flavorless aspect of it. If that were to be true, then why not supply Mr. Schuler a spoon?

@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus  You would want the same experience as the customer when tasting those condiments with those nuggets, so it doesn't matter about the flavorless aspect of it. If that were to be true, then why not supply Mr. Schuler a spoon?

Mike would’ve killed Lydia. Definitely. I did love the fact that Lydia gave Mike that sort of respect and remained cool about being killed, until she noticed that her daughter was going to live with some unforeseen guilt about her disappearance. In one episode, we’ve seen the sweet and the bitter side of Mike. I do

Mike would’ve killed Lydia. Definitely. I did love the fact that Lydia gave Mike that sort of respect and remained cool about being killed, until she noticed that her daughter was going to live with some unforeseen guilt about her disappearance. In one episode, we’ve seen the sweet and the bitter side of Mike. I do

—I just love of how Mike just placed his hands on the table, as if he was at a nail salon. "Forgot your handcuffs?"

—I just love of how Mike just placed his hands on the table, as if he was at a nail salon. "Forgot your handcuffs?"

Yeah, haven't you noticed that the Aztec and the PT Cruiser went up in sales throughout America's car lots?

Yeah, haven't you noticed that the Aztec and the PT Cruiser went up in sales throughout America's car lots?

Good eye!

Good eye!

Is Huell going to slim down???

Is Huell going to slim down???

Huell and the ginger kid won't be able to help Saul that much.

Huell and the ginger kid won't be able to help Saul that much.

Most unlikely. Mike will still use his charm to calm the 9 associates while enticing that they have to go back to work, and act like nothing is wrong.

Most unlikely. Mike will still use his charm to calm the 9 associates while enticing that they have to go back to work, and act like nothing is wrong.

@avclub-67f6d2e9915d70fd0dd562623d86eb43:disqus And Marie will demand to be driven around town in Jr.'s purple PT Cruiser.

@avclub-67f6d2e9915d70fd0dd562623d86eb43:disqus And Marie will demand to be driven around town in Jr.'s purple PT Cruiser.

I thought Walt Jr. was Kaiser Soze…

I thought Walt Jr. was Kaiser Soze…