Future Tense

What's left, really. He could be by himself, by his grungy appearance, who knows.

What's left, really. He could be by himself, by his grungy appearance, who knows.

It's made out of gold, so there.

It's made out of gold, so there.

Denny's has a dinner and a show for its customers: Fight Night, that is.

Denny's has a dinner and a show for its customers: Fight Night, that is.

Hell of a week, really. The Dark Knight Rises is going to be great!

Hell of a week, really. The Dark Knight Rises is going to be great!

Walt could've stashed something in Jr.'s "I dare not to speak it's name!"

Walt could've stashed something in Jr.'s "I dare not to speak it's name!"

He's a big softie when it comes to children and the pigeons of Mexico.

He's a big softie when it comes to children and the pigeons of Mexico.

She might go back to the Four Corners and decide again of where to go. Colorado, Utah, Arizona, or back to New Mexico?

She might go back to the Four Corners and decide again of where to go. Colorado, Utah, Arizona, or back to New Mexico?

Just rewatched the magnet scene at the police station; I wished that Walt and Jesse had their old red and green ski masks from that heist a few seasons back!

Just rewatched the magnet scene at the police station; I wished that Walt and Jesse had their old red and green ski masks from that heist a few seasons back!

In the near future, did Walt reluctantly call upon that "Disappear Guy" who hides certain people and their families in a nondisclose location? Clearly, something tragic had happened in ABQ for Walt to take what's left of his family and move to New Hampshire. And it's pretty messed up that Walt had to comeback to his

In the near future, did Walt reluctantly call upon that "Disappear Guy" who hides certain people and their families in a nondisclose location? Clearly, something tragic had happened in ABQ for Walt to take what's left of his family and move to New Hampshire. And it's pretty messed up that Walt had to comeback to his

We need Skinny Pete and Wendy back on this show ASAP to balance it all out!

We need Skinny Pete and Wendy back on this show ASAP to balance it all out!