Maybe it's just that people who watch Mad Men read, and those who listen to Country Music don't
Maybe it's just that people who watch Mad Men read, and those who listen to Country Music don't
So I just finished watching these eps
And when I switched back from the vxid dvd player to cable, it was an ad for the show premiering here in Australia. That was disconcerting enough, like they knew what I'd done or something. But then the ad ends they call it a "U.S. smash hit", which is just patently false,…
Come on
Skulls are way cooler than standard black.
Genitals are different to boobs I think we can all agree, the real double standard is that a man can show his nipples on the news, the disney channel, c-span etc. and it's not an issue. But the nipples we really want to see are vigourously policed.
I've had nothing but sympathy for Bay ever since I found out he was molested by an explosion as a child.
Stephen Root's reading of "C'mon, Dave, it's just a little alien" is the greatest thing ever. Ever.
"Aren't you just the cutest thing"