The Smegmatrix

I saw Orlando Bloom's penis, and I'm happy to report that mine is bigger for having seen it.

I think the most telling takeaway from all this is the band's manager still plans to vote for Trump.

It's a good day for an Ice Cap.

You're welcoume.

Basically the same weather, too.

I came to Ottawa from Chicago, and it still makes me laugh when my wife points out neighbourhoods (extraneous 'U' included) that are considered 'sketchy'.

This is not that big a deal. People don't get shot in Canada, almost every day. Even when there's police involved.

This is the reason that none of his characters ever had much dialogue

I guess I missed the part where they've been walking on eggshells.

It's a miracle you can still type.

The whole time he's sitting there, just enjoying that people are talking about him.

I used to read Savage Love in the Chicago Reader pre-internet. Obviously in the last 30 tears (or so) a lot of things have changed, societal and sexual mores. I remember it seemed pretty risque back then. But Dan has clearly helped a ton of people, just by speaking frankly and publicly about things people couldn't ask

Everybody Loves Rhaegar

Fred Basset has never been funny. Not once. Ever.

Well, you say that. But your profile is a week old, and every post you've ever made is a political screed. 260 + posts, all with a right-wing agenda. Those are the 'margins' you've drawn. This thread is about something Trump did that's baffling and indefensible. So in order to deflect, you made some specious argument

Disinterest has done that for you. You should report back to whomever, that this talking point isn't getting any traction, and ask for a new one.

I'm not that happy about Hillary overall, but, really? Scrutiny? After the Benghazi and e-mails hearings? She's plainly the most heavily scrutinized candidate in US history.


"Another commented that they thought his experience playing Kyle would have rubbed off on him." That's a good point. Ever since Guardians of the Galaxy, I've been having to shoo him away from my garbage cans at night.

And good luck to you, and all the fevered non-sequiturs careening around your brain, doomed forever to remain inarticulable.