The Smegmatrix

Right? Everyone's talking about Clegane Bowl. But The Hound wasn't walking to King's Landing with that axe. Lem Lemoncloak is toast.

The smart money is on the Waif. She's not supposed to enjoy her work, and she wasn't supposed to make Arya suffer. Her face is going up in the temple.

Passion2: The Blaming of the Jews

This, combined with their wall-to-wall geek show, is going to drive all the mom and pop carnivals out of business.

Nathan Lane

Test audiences were confused by that title, as the actors were visible during the entirety of the film.

A slightly less grating version of Stephen Baldwin.

Now You See Me 2: The Search For Dumbledore's Gold

Just like every septa sings the 'Shame-Bad Song.'

Also a Joan Osbourne song, on 'Relish'.

It would also include giving 2 bags of money away for no reason

"Do you have trouble doing even simple things, like doing your laundry?" Well, you're our target audience!

Do you refer to your bedroom as 'The Dead Zone'?

I've been thinking that Jaqen already knows Arya's not faceless man material (High-born bloodline, etc.) and has been using Arya to test the Waif's worthiness.

I've been thinking there might be some way he could offer Tommen.

Shoulda' just given him a few more tickets.

If hating James is wrong, you don't want to be right.

It's when an e-mail bounces back as undeliverable, because sometimes we old people have trouble typing in addresses.

Here is a partial list of words I never want to see on the internet again:

I can never remember which one is PC and which one is Mac.