I know, dude who wants to watch a show about actual people, who look relatively normal for tv, and dress like their parents make less than 50,000K a year. Furthermore, they don't kill people (well actually once, but it was an accident,) fall in love with vampires, or save lives as doctors or lawyers, and they don't…
I challenge any heterosexual women in US, (and I am a girl from Lawn Guyland…) not to fall for the magic that is riggins. You my friend SUCK…. Also you probably have never ever watched the show.
the show is about small town america, and issues of race and class, the same things that made both the wire and the sopranos good. It is also about growing up in a way that is the exact opposite from Dawson's, 90210 and One Tree whatever…. Start with the first three episodes, and you will be hooked.
amen brother. To be fair, I dont watch it when it airs….I get it on hulu later. but this comment section is appalling considering everyone finds the time to write snark about movies they obviously have not seen. sigh.
I get armchairshrink, you don't like the show and you have decided to break up with Joss Whedon forever. His shows have always managed to be more than the sum of their components, full of interesting references and flashes of brilliance but not always completely cohesive like the Wire. But he is trying, he writes…
Just because you didn't grow up seeing plays, doesn't mean that achievement in stage acting isn't important and an award doesn't mean anything. Broadway actors do 6-7 2.5 hour shows a week, on weekends 2 a day, involving singing acting and dancing, and there are no craft service breaks, second takes, or makeup…
More likely the copyeditors have all been laid off…
There is something weird about where that nose ring is on her nostril…
I will put 50 bucks on alpha being our own little troubled FBI agent ballard, hence his obsession with Echo, and strange inability to be killed….The FBI seeems to recognize him just fine though…was one of his doll identities an FBI agent? and then he just used it for cover? Just a thought…
Yeah dude, you obviously don't understand the history of the Elgin marbles…. Art that was removed from greece by English nobles for its own saftey (granted since the turks were using the parthenon for storing gunpowder, they had a point.) Now Greece no longer a backwater of the Ottoman empire, wants it back. England…