Larry Davids Dickblood

I immediately thought the Mad Men character who the writers wish they could write off but can't is Bert Cooper.  As a partner, he's not going anywhere.  Yet the writers obviously don't like him, they won't even give him a storyline.

What I find funny is how MacFarlane goes to ridiculous lengths in some aspects of production value, such as bringing in a live orchestra to record all the music, but standards for joke writing have plummeted.

What I find funny is how MacFarlane goes to ridiculous lengths in some aspects of production value, such as bringing in a live orchestra to record all the music, but standards for joke writing have plummeted.

This is even worse than the time Lindsey Lohan got punched out by the Fonz!  Ho ho!

This is even worse than the time Lindsey Lohan got punched out by the Fonz!  Ho ho!

"Johnnycakes had a young teenage daughter so had apparently been married at one time)."

"Johnnycakes had a young teenage daughter so had apparently been married at one time)."

At least "Luxury Lounge" gives us plenty of Chris's friend Murmur, one of my favorite supporting characters and someone who fit in very naturally in the show's world.

At least "Luxury Lounge" gives us plenty of Chris's friend Murmur, one of my favorite supporting characters and someone who fit in very naturally in the show's world.

Rabin is clearly trying to write decent reviews but a good Classic review should (1) Make me look at the show in a different way and (2) Tell me something I don't already know.  These reviews don't do either.  Perhaps it's just too much pressure recapping material where we the readers literally grew up quoting whole

Rabin is clearly trying to write decent reviews but a good Classic review should (1) Make me look at the show in a different way and (2) Tell me something I don't already know.  These reviews don't do either.  Perhaps it's just too much pressure recapping material where we the readers literally grew up quoting whole

It was very realistic in the way when you are caught dead to rights doing something, all you can do is deny, deny, deny….

"Short stack or tall?"

He's a former cop who was kicked off the force for his loosey-goosey ways.  She's a swan farmer with a knack for talking to animals.  They team up to solve murders by interrogating animal witnesses in Fowl Play, only on USA.  Characters welcome.

I watched the entire series and thought it succeeded at amusing dark humor, thought some of the subplots were weird (like the guy's son becoming a Muslim) and a lot of the post 9/11 racism-is-bad stuff was too preachy, Van Zandt's girlfriend was a weak character - no indication why he was into her except a deficit of

It's not that easy just to "shoot around" Meadow, MOG would've had to change his whole angle and walk up directly behind Tony, and at that angle who knows who else would've been in the line of fire? 

I actually thought it was clever to elevate a background character like Vito and give him a major storyline.  I'm equally fascinated on how characters who should be "important" like Larry Boy Barese (who remains a capo throughout the entire series but is rarely seen) or Raymond, who is another capo and frequently seen

I always pictured Tony being incarcerated soon after the final episode.  In the final scene of the show, it's confirmed that Carlo has flipped after his son was arrested for dealing ecstasy, and that indictments are coming down.  The show foreshadows this with the fate of Johnny Sack in S6.  One of Sack's inner circle

Millionaire Matchmaker actually has some profound insights into
relationships and dating, though I think it hits on them by accident. 
The show is ostensibly about, "Hey let's laugh because Patty's such a
bitch!" or "These bachelors are so pathetically hopeless!"  But some of
the dates gone wrong are just so honest

The show is set in an alternative comic book universe where Kevin Smith is funny and still relevant.