
A flying car transportation system sounds like a good infrastructure project.  Get on it Obama!

Thanks.  You enjoy your guaranteed health care, retirement, and vacation time.  Sucker.

I'm guessing that the Giants didn't want the cameras there when the season really got down to the wire.  But I don't understand the point of barely covering the beginning of the season, covering the middle really heavily, and then not covering the end at all.  There's no beginning or end to the television season.

Yah right.  I'll be able to see a doubleheader of the Arrested Development and Veronica Mars movies for the cost of a moon pie before they make Sin City 2.

Fun fact: She is played by Charlie Chaplin's surprisingly young granddaughter.  Or does everyone already know that?

Damn, I really wanted to like this show, but I dropped out after the third episode aired on the BBC.  I appreciated the look, the history (Nasser and the Suez Canal) and that it actually taught me something interesting about American history (JFK was a contender to be the Democratic nominee for VP in 1956), but I

This show is getting six seasons and a movie.

Last Subject?
The Last Resort sounds good. But, they should change the title to make it clear it's a dystopic political thriller and not an O.C.-esque teen drama or a tropical reality dating show.

I actually just watched both docs last week, a couple of days before they were released, because I heard a third one was being released and figured I should watch the other two. Turned out to be pretty good timing for me.

If you have to go on Wikipedia to make sure you won't go to jail, she's too young for you bro.

Click that link
and see the utter disdain Piers Morgan has for Rebecca Black.

I agree. It's so simple and brilliant and an excellent payoff from 12 episodes of David Brent putting on facades. I think the facade protected the audience from Brent as much as it protected him from himself. We should always feel sad when we see Brent's sad life, but we don't because he at least cares enough and

Getting tickets in person…
The wave of the future.

is Jonathan Ross invited?

To be fair, Friday Night Lights mostly aired on a Wednesday, which is the day least like Friday.

More Google Bombing
He needs to redefine "Bachmann". They more than deserve it.

HBO is just so much cooler than it was two years ago.

Game of Thrones
I don't know why anybody would be worried about it's future. It's just about HBO's only show that isn't deeply steeped in some part of America or American history and therefore it's most internationally lucrative.

Since they've already cast Tony Hale, Sarah Hagan would be a good wild card.

I agree with Mitchell. The reviews are great for what they are, but I don't see the point of doing week-by-week reviews of a show that ended four years ago. These classic reviews should be looking back at the character and plot development of each episode in the context of the series as a whole, especially since