Ulysses Swanson

I've always found the vocal melody in the verse of 'Closer' by Travis to be remarkably similar to that of 'Tuesday Afternoon' by the Moody Blues.

you better not be talking about Eddie Spaghetti from the Supersuckers…

I don't want her to be my cool older sister, I want her to be my cool older sisters friend that has a crush on me.

the worst Guided By Voices album is a million times better than the best Game Of Thrones episode.

let's just hope that whoever is in charge of regulating the temperature on the SNL hot tub this time has their shit together - I'd hate to see a repeat of the unfortunate incident when the hot tub was too hot for Mr. Murphy to comfortably get into.

not a huge fan of his stand-up but his sterling work as Tom Haverford gets him a lifetime pass from me.

according to discogs.com 'New Miserable Experience' by the Gin Blossoms was never issued on vinyl - this glaring oversight will not stand.

they're making talkies outta comic books now?

your prayers have been answered - I am not English.

I don't care how much literary acclaim the odd Australian may get from writing books and such, thanks to their cricket team you'll never be able to convince me they are anything but boorish foul-mouthed cheating racist thugs - David Warner and Brad Haddin especially but at least 95% of them are feral as shit. And it's…

'First Date' is a catchy song, I can get onboard with that one.

Klaus from American Dad.

Lil' Sebastian!

something something pesky kids


Fuck Dee

if the world being destroyed is the trade-off for getting to spend some quality time with Jenna Fischer then you better believe I'm taking that deal.

hail Zorp!

"Stupider like a fox"

I prefer the more popular 'Do The Bortman'.