what's the big deal? I've been faking my own life for almost 40 years.
what's the big deal? I've been faking my own life for almost 40 years.
I love Sparklehorse but have no interest in hearing other artists cover his songs - you cannot improve on perfection.
as a member of Gwar may I just say on behalf of the band thank you very much for this wonderful honour.
Metallica? pffttt.
Ginger Baker is the greatest - just ask him…
if not being able to play drums is good enough for Meg White, then it's good enough for you.
Ginger Baker would like a word with you…
does he still have his job at the sandpaper factory to go back to?
as an old man it's nice to know I can still relate to what's going on in the "key young men demos".
as long as Norah doesn't fuck Billie Joe's wife they should be OK.
I agree - I need well-established boundaries for everything I do.
dude, his name is Holland Oates.
I agree - let's bury him.
Will Retta get bumped up to a spot in the opening credits when Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe leave the show?
anything that might take them uppity Australians down a peg is alright by me.
on the subject of New Zealand music when is the new Stereo Bus album coming out?
Groban does like his ladies to pop…
Shelbyvillian #1: "Sounds like Springfield has a child discipline problem"
where I come from we refer to women as birds so I'm onboard with this name.
what about my Sammy Hagar The Horrible?