dead greg

You know, sometimes when you're meeting someone new, and the handshake is going down, sometimes I like to stroke the inside of their palm with my index finger, and with the rest of my hand, not let go. Let it really stretch out. Stroke the inside of their palm. Total Power Move.

Hey, what happened to all those 28 year old nurses around here? I guess they all finally found true love.

He should have hit her with the old "too slow!" routine. That doesn't happen enough. I'm gonna do that the next time I land an interview.

Burnout 3 seemed like the perfect Burnout. Paradise was fun, but the open world wasnt as satisfying to me as the closed tracks (soon obsessively memorized) of B3. Is Burnout Revenge any good? I skipped that (and any other) middle chapter(s).

too stupid, didnt read

They put the twist in the fucking trailer.

I'm thinkin with sand, here!

Right on! Funky avatar, btw.

And punch him in the buts.

Ooh! Found footage! Sounds hilarious. This is gonna be good. (Pops up nice big bag of popcorn)

Are you hungry? Look at you - you're all skin and bones! What have they been feeding you at that school of yours, anyway? Well, come on in, we've got the beef medallions all ready, and Martin just opened the wine.

I would be remiss if I were not to post

Its true. I can't get mad at that Im a raccoon one, even though its over saturated the waves.

What, REALLY fat chicks? Fat chicks who never shut up about Ron Paul?

Are you cussin with me?

They might slap pink handi-cuffs on the children where you're from , guy, but around here its seen as moderately eccentric.

Went to see Drive with the old lady the other night. When she opened the box of Sour Patch Kids, we discovered it contained a pathetic little bag of said Kids at the bottom, which prompted both of us to go on a ten minute Rooney-esque rant on movie candy sizes throughout the trailers. I'm sure everyone around us loved

Literally no one that would read this article, much less the comments, likely has not seen this. But I will not be deterred.

Fuck Avatar. So they spent a mountain of money, and it shows - for what? The movie is still barely tolerable except from the pretty-colors angle, and as a consequence has ushered in a massive wave of expensive movies with (as often as not) unnecessary 3D thrown in as fad service.

So what three things does Rick Flair know?