that's the biggest firstie fail i've ever seen, broseph
that's the biggest firstie fail i've ever seen, broseph
hey guys - did you know there's actually a song about how john wayne was a nazi? allow me to provide you a link, since y'all dont get my references..…
So you like Babe.. AND you don;t like Pig in the City? What kind of topsy-turvy shit is that?
John Wayne
was a fag
straight to hell has that certain… fuck-if-i-know… less awesome perhaps on a pound for pound level than repo man, but still worthwhile.
The Coke commercial about the border guards was well done. That one classed up the joint a bit after the requisite hammer-smash-baby stuff.
website found / existence validated
I have a VHS copy of "Video Catnip", which is indeed, programming for your cat. The first half hour is "fun for you and your cat" while the last twenty minutes is, fascinatingly, "For Cats Only!" Unfortunately I haven't found a VCR that will run this ancient copy without chewing up the magnetic tape… but the struggle…
nostalgia struck bro, sorry to use up your time
holy crap
It feels like yesterday, but apparently its coming up on a year… I was in a shitty Iowa dive bar, drinking an unwise number of gin and tonics, ranting to some biker-looking guys about how Avatar vs. Hurt Locker represented nothing short of a battle between good and evil.
whats up, oxymoron
attractive redhead
Strangely watchable, in a flawed way, you're saying?
Somehow, AVClub, I don't believe you. this looks like a fucking massive pile of shit.
What the hell was that guys plan? I was nearly crying over that video, Tosh didn't really have to help it along. He's dead? Ehhh… buzz-kill….
This Guy
Total badass in Ronin. Probably the best part of that movie, actually.
The review does sort of end, doesn't it? It reminds me of the last episode of
What dingus needs weeds to like Awesome Show? Maria Bamford is very dissssappppointed in all'yall.
Say Baby, what's that over there?…
Darko Milicic? What, is that the guy Niko Bellic is hunting in GTAIV or what? (NO I don't look shit up - I take blind pop-culture shots in the dark)