definitely second on the likenesses - so it's a story of a hapless office drone who's a dead ringer for eminem? uh… cool?
definitely second on the likenesses - so it's a story of a hapless office drone who's a dead ringer for eminem? uh… cool?
What critics call 'juvenile' rarely turns me off of a comic, but WANTED sure enough did. I'm not sure how you can defend its whole "YEAH I TOTALLY RAPED A CHICK AND SHOT THE NICE OLD GUY OUTSIDE MY APARTMENT WHOA XXXTREEME" attitude. The writing was like an incoherent daydream from an angry child, rendered…
Chrystal skulls was kind of Awesome-Bad, though. I laughed harder at that shit than many movies actually trying to be funny - for instance, the scene where he weathers a nuclear explosion by jumping into a fridge was comedy gold. Also the fact that monkeys hate commies and will spontaneously help you fight them.
I always hoped that when 2012's apocalypse rolled around, it'd be by Gojira's claw (and fire-breath.)
I'm dead greg!
I wish 9-11 could be viewed as a particularly fucked-up chapter in history and not a sacred national event/holiday. Nothing annoys me quite like the whole "NEVER FORGET!! NEVER FUCKING FORGET!" attitude. Are there people that presume there are, out there in the world, chai-sipping liberal 'Merica haters walking…
PS I love IF, for many the same reasons here. If you like rooting in the dirt for hidden, gem-like games, then do yourself a favor, people, and try out IF. Old-school, esoteric puzzle ZORK-age as well as funny, experimental stuff - its out there.
Have you (or anyone else) tried their hand at 'Hoosegow' the western themed IF feaured here? its pretty charismatic, but I've been plugging away at it for an hour and have only solved one puzzle. Hit me with the spoilers!
Stubbs the Zombie sure was one fun-ass game. Haven't tried this new little doggie, yet.
Portaging with J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
I'm gonna get this just so I can put it next to "Deer Hunting with Jesus" on my bookshelf, another flawed but interesting book.
Neon Indian make some really nice songs. Why the hate? Also, you could simply stop reading pitchfork altogether, maybe start blogging about the music that you *are* into.
Definitely Dance This Mess Around is my favorite all time track. I love a lot of B-52's but that song is the jambo, no trambo.