
Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice
Were you guys actually riffing on the state motto of Michigan? If so, you are such geeks, if notI guess that means I

How dare you say anything against Andy Rooney…er, Lewis Black

Is it jsut me
or does everyone hear Dan's responses in Homer's voice?

Whoever that is.

Oh, and Keith, I always looked on that episode as a parody of TP more than as an Homage, more Weird Al than Mini-KISS…

Tooncedale: Ouch, that was cold. True, but cold. Northern exposure was a very different kind of show than TP. It was quirky, where TP was surreal. If you are looking for sinister absurdity these days, "Lost" is a pretty good approximation.
NE was a very well done show (David Chase's first sign of genius, IMHO),

Northern Exposure
Actually, Northern Exposure started in 1990 as well, so it couldn't have really been inspired by Twin Peaks. I think they both picked up on the same zeitgeist.

They remind me of my old Obi-Wan Star Wars figure. Turn them over to see if there are holes in their feet…

Give an acknowledged great director free reign to do whatever he wants and more often then not you get the Godfather Part III

Look at the field. I think it would be a big stretch to say that 30% of the movies that Hollywood (or Bollywood, Paris, Berlin, etc.) are "good", so if he considers 30% of his films Good, he is doing very well by comparison.

Maria Braun—I spent a year studying in Germany and it seemed like every literature, history and German language class I took dragged this movie out at one point or another. This and The Lost Honor of Katarina Blum. I am alergic to both at this point. That being said, I have been waiting for this release for a long