Radio Shaq

I was equally as terrified of the video for 'I Disappear'. Zing

When I saw Twin Peaks at a too young age, I had Palmer-family related nightmares for what seemed like years.

@ smokey tornado - I like that theory, with the Widmore induced code-word. Kudos

@wart - I think Danny McBride comes in a close second.

Wife went with Wayne, what (w)a whore!

Yes to Buffalo. Maybe to Rochester.

EBM = Electric Bowel Movement?

full marks, B. Rex. You'd make those gumshoes proud.

@Otto — If I'm not mistaken, it was just Jack.

tequilla turns me into a pretty efficient barfing machine.

if it's not beer, then it's usually a nice whiskey drink. I recently had my first whiskey sour and thought that it had killed me and sent me to st. peter.

not nearly as tasty as the oncoming storm of firey cancerAIDS coming your way.

Almost forgot about that. So glad I didn't.

I can't believe you don't shut up.

Best line from "Grandma's Boy" = "I CAN'T STOP CUMMING"

I thought (hoped) that Juliet conveniently forgot to add Kate to the new recruits/sub manifest. That would have been suPERB.

sit down and shut up, you big balled fuck.

I prefer "Pim"

I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin', but I think fire is VERY exciting.

I nearly lost my mind when Jack and Frank did the harry & the hendersons thing.