P.G. Roadhouse

I'm not your cracker, eggroll

Must be dogshit —- let's go get lunch.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the lamest one of all?"

10 IF "flip-flops" = "jap-slaps"
20 THEN HOME isnot PC

Don't call me fellow, chum.

If you're in your 40's
It has always been and will always be a "mid-life" crisis. Greatest Corvette-salesman's asset ever.

Sorry, it's

Just wonderin'
Has the time-stamp on the comments gone nutzo for anyone else? Mine shows it's 8:32 PM, while it's 6:32 EST now, so what gives?

Perhaps if you desire puff pastries you should try the source - Puff Daddy -

Aromatic comedies stink.

Cutter Benchmark
If the title of this article makes you picture Oprah in spandex on an Italian 10-speed then you are a tail-end Baby Boomer. (ala Breaking Away)

I'm on the S—O-O-O-O-O-O-U-U-U-U-L-L-L Train

Judy Judy Judy

You go "awwwwwww" at the commercials? Dude you need to get nailed.

That some words start to look "wrong" after you see them too many times. Murphy is doing that to me. "School" does it too.

Here comes the sun
Can totally picture an Eddie Murphy-ish Teletubbies sun. And Eddie Murphy as all the Teletubbies. Man, did too much LDS back in the 60's.

Crap, sorry, Anonimouse, - should've told you to bring the coke!

Damn straight, AJ! Genevieve wins cause it's who says "jinx", first (quick aside, anyone else ever use "Pinch-poke, owe me a coke?" - just wonderin'). AJ, you bring the coke, I'll bring the melted pot of chocolate, and we'll have a party with the ladies.

Did anyone else notice DCRJ said "I" instead of "it"? I call self-fellater!!

Which is of course an old "Bama" grape-jelly jar.