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    it's been a pleasure
    been reading these since the beginning, you've done a wonderful job!

    They were dancing El Sonidito!!!
    The most annoyingest banda song ever.

    Tone-deaf dogma indeed.

    In 2003, I stopped worrying and learned to love the charts.
    I had the same awakening. From 1999 when Britney, BSB, etc took over, i swore off "pop" music. But then around 2003 i fell in love with it again.

    This is a good example of a Second Opinion not worth it.
    This read like a paper a student felt forced to do, not pleasant at all.

    I'm pretty much in a similar place right now
    I am/was some kind of music completist, back in the day (the dawn of the internet) i used to download bootlegs and b-sides and all that stuff from my then-favorite bands, then through slsk and audiogalaxy i got to know a huge amount of independent bands and started getting

    there's a typo there.
    i enjoyed how the lily situation turned the gays on each other, it was funny and realistic i think.

    90's nostalgia
    i've never watched this (and im not planning to) but the clips made me a little nostalgic about 90's movies, the setting, the soundtrack, i don't know, it reminded me of going to the movies with my high school friends back in the day.

    mr todd
    don't be afraid of giving A's
    loving something completely is not that bad.

    What a wonderful world.

    Hey Carlangas, chido saber no soy el unico.

    oh and Chang is a wimp, even five year olds eat that stuff all the time down here.

    it really is a cultural thing.
    as i may be the only Mexican AV Club commenter (hopefully not), i have to say that i've never heard of tinglerz before but pelon pelon rico is really really popular here, also there's not much difference among the different varieties (the roller tip one is the liquid version, there's