Party of Four

used to date a vegetarian who didn't drink much. One nightat a Hawks game, he got hammered on beer and ate three mini stadium Pizza Hut pepperoni pizzas. Hadn't has meat in 10 years. (note: cant confirm stadium pepperoni IS real meat but you get the drift). After my initial shock at his lapse, I started to think, uh

weird, yes, but I liked it in that, if you did a Cydney and took your time, you had a good chance of beating the faster bag heavers.


we could disagree about deserving, but I find three of the four very captivating characters.

that would have been epic.

regardless of what they decide, " or 3, I like if the last bunch don't know. Yes, they have their camp calendar, and can guess, but it throws the strategy into the air a bit.

it seemed for a bit that Aubry may have been throwing it (no pun) at the challenge, and would have been smart to, but then Joe openly tells her, you pick the third, so, either way, she's responsible.

who was the oldest? And wasn't the Jimmy Johnson season full of 60s?

Cyd is a bodybuilder so probably knows more about protein intake than most of us. I got that she, after scarfing her first plate, noticed Joe's portions, heard his comments about not being a meat eater, and thought, trouble a'coming.
But not, pull from the game trouble.

each time a reward participant tucks into something huge they havent had in ages, I think, oh, their poor stomachs. Especially the coffee bar rewards. Yikes, the cramps!

I'll side with liking it. It strengthens the "castaways from the beginning" thing and gives us at home the trip down memory lane - who was such and such oh, yeah! while we hear who made an impact with the finalists and who hilariously, after only weeks, is either a blur or a remembered for one thing footnote.

I agree with you, but Devil's Advocate, perhaps Tai feels so comfortable in a trust and human way with his group that he thinks his "power" and decisionmaking is doing them a favor, and doesn't feel he's bigtiming things?

it was weird how slack the ropes looked throughout.

the small character asides of the secondary people are brilliant . Shelf stories? hahaha

Ernie Hudson is a charmer.

Love Mary Kay Place. Love.

the editing of that scene was superb

me too!

if it was 2F, and was somehow Joe and Jason, who would you give a million to?

the differing gangs' blase attitude towards Julia's back and forth puzzled me.