I'm a Jeremy fan and glad he won, but the baby thing would not have influenced me that much. While sincere, and moving, it doesn't make him more worthy.
I'm a Jeremy fan and glad he won, but the baby thing would not have influenced me that much. While sincere, and moving, it doesn't make him more worthy.
hahahaha, that was epic.
totally agree. You take your chances.
I miss where they had the finalists wear their scruffy camp clothes, so we think its all the same night. But they now have makeup on and ten more pounds.
a coked up Abi at your place at 6am, not shutting up and commandeering the itunes? Oh my, no way.
I saw somewhere that he said that to shut them down, as he found that autograph thing silly.
ask Francesca.
confirming how little interest she had in being there this season?
there was so much jungle jewelry on display, women and men. Kimmi's turtle earrings especially.
this comment is offensive (clutches pearls) , but as a girl, I guess spot on. She is so, so pretty.
they should make the Reunion ep longer or continue it for a bit online, directing the tv viewers to a live stream on cbs.com, so they can talk to everyone.
I think Tasha should have told the jury, you have no IDEA how much effort I spent managing that nutcase Abi and keeping her from sinking plans. For that, my friends, I deserve a million.
the small opinion I have of AA is that it has worked/been a lifeline for a few people I know that have gotten involved. That said, I have two friends who have gotten DUIs and were sent to AA as part of their penalty. Neither is an alcoholic, and both felt uncomfortable there, as if they were, well I won't say party…
and how long does he have to use it?
the kid from My Bodyguard.
ooooh yes!
Dalton kids on EW that Ciera might flip Jeff a big finger.
since we rarely get a Dangerous Liasions/Valmont close comparison, this question makes the shot by shot remake of Psycho, which I haven't seen, intriguing. How different is it, cast being secondary?
Bridget Jones, redone by Amy Heckerling. I believe Sharon Maguire was/is a friend of Helen Fielding, so intimate with the material and the intended vibe, and is back for the third, but she even admits in the Commentary that a lot of ideas or bits got lost. A stronger, snappier director would have given it an edge,…
thoughts from a non-expert at this (I am in awe at your memory power and analysis, guys!)