yeah, they lay around talking for ages at the camps, things come up organically. And if Woo is at all as he appears, that was not strategic.
yeah, they lay around talking for ages at the camps, things come up organically. And if Woo is at all as he appears, that was not strategic.
its not THAT nice.
I get a little grossed out by all of the dirty underwear.
that tiny pause/intake of breath before she replied, where Tasha's soul died and she changed from "come on!" to "right, yeah?" was strategy in its finest.
I'd never go on Survivor, but if I did and I came down to bringing along, sorry, "bringing along" (hate that all-powerful phrase) a real scumbag, I'd honestly prefer the nice deserving person who might beat me in the votes to a piece of garbage who would win a million and a car. It would be tough, but losing to a…
I laughed when the soap opera "Manny" came down the stairs. That dopplegangers joke would have sucked if they tried to draw it out, but it was just enough.
I could not have done that scene. Kudos to Julie Bowen.
I hate watching that challenge each time they do it, while thinking it is a good challenge for creating aggression and chaos. But all of the slams and bumps, yikes.
that would not have computed with Abi. Everything is personal.
you are all amply covering her flipping, and fair point, but equally dangerous is her tendency to tell the intendeds they are on the chopping block (to be fair, if confronted). She loved telling Shirin, giving Shirin time to scramble.
Love the hard core fan debates here, your guys' memories amaze me.
Tasha talking to Abi was like a sober friend trying to get car keys from their drunken friend.
yes. It is called the Britton Factor, and it is completely natural.
ha, thought the same thing. Noah digs an overbite and a pout.
Aside from the sweet opening, this episode was awful. The direction was terrible - Bud's drunk was ridiculous, and when he stumbled outside, and I glimpsed the operator of the giant schlong (ugh, love Brianna but come on) I thought for a second it might be Billy Eichner. Wasn't. However, maybe a shot of the bored…
one of the many problems I had with this episode.
No comments here about Mickey being the worst Monkee to make out with? I found him very cute (that show was on repeats when I was 10), and his voice, especially in the closing music, very enchanting.
yes to Byron. Reeeow.
my "problem" is that now I can't see Sheen and Waterson as not gay.
agreed x 12!