and he is married to the very quick Sarah Alexander, from Coupling, etc.
and he is married to the very quick Sarah Alexander, from Coupling, etc.
loving it, F&S. Mazeltov!
so indulgent, and beautifully so.
keep sipping, @avclub-c254eaf30893f49706260c2d22fe6148:disqus . It's great stuff.
just to nit-pick, Walt wanted financial security, yes, we've seen that, but he wasn't aiming being loved by his family*. I believe in providing that financial security he assumed they craved (and realistically they would need), he would be respected — not the horrible "say my name" respect, but the provider, head of…
this may sound weird, but there is something wonderful (character development-wise) about being down and out and ready to quit, and having the… how shall I say, the bane of your existence, the source of all of your troubles pop its (their) head(s) up to work your last nerve, leading you to go full on apocalyptic "aw,…
as a straight woman, that is exACTly where I would start. Hot damn.
agree, @avclub-74b75b2f2af434a58d56ef25d8e2b9c9:disqus , it is in its groove, with my only purpose of commenting to say, Raymond was a weird/fantastic example of success where a big chunk of the audience could not understand the set up/dramatic tension at all (I had some non-Chicago, small family, dare I say normal…
I heard on some random podcast that one or more of her parents are comedians (or comedy writers), so she could be a nugget of comedy gold.
how long ago was it the "the gays" in thirtysomething controversially were seen in bed together (yes, I am over 40, I remember thirtysomething). Were they banging around, nope, they were having a heartfelt, before bedtime, super well written discussion, if memory serves, but showing them under the same sheets,…
I always liked that song, so yes.
often wondered if the "prickliness" of their relationship was to circumvent big displays of affection.
I just wonder about the second floor on Cam and Mitchell's house. Is it meant to be that they own/rent only the 1st floor? We've never seen a scene with stairs, right?
this reply is a bit general, but until The Office Diversity Day ep, I'd never heard that stereotype "Asians can't drive". I should note that I grew up in Chicago, with very few Asians, if that matters, but also note that I am 40 and a smidge and have watched tv/films, seen comedy, etc. —even have the old interwebs —…
I would have expected it from Jay, and might have found it a bit amusing, as his boorish, "weirded out by the changes" side can be funny (there seems to be enough balance to make him non-hateful), but from Mitchell?
yeah, the laugh track seemed really obtrusive.
just to throw this out there, but remember when first out of rehab, Jesse became quite evil (temporarily?) and saw Andrea as a mark. He was going to offer her blue meth, either to get her hooked again or to jumpstart his side business of dealing. Brock's appearance at her home (coming in with his gran) stopped him.
I think Jesse talking about his aunt dying, and his being there for her, was what made his character change from goofy Captain Cook drug dude to well-rounded, worthy of interest second lead.
I cannot believe you two referenced that horrific "indy genius" movie.
Hobo Chang is so, so, right. Do you think, based on all you now know of Walter, that he left graciously, with a full and thoughtful exit strategy worked out?