Party of Four

ugh, Heidi, the scary skeleton. She was pissed.

my household was debating the ethics f the group search while watching this season on our lapto—- tv, I mean (feels similar paranoia to @avclub-008bf13a8f7be64451ccbe21fb672c96:disqus ) It was andrea's clue, but… finders keepers?

he's smoking hot, though. Just ask him.

totally agree with this — I liked that Hatch was kept around, and knew he would be kept around - because he could fish. Now Too many reward challenges, too many comfy pillows. Its like the Monty Python Inquisition torture scene with… the comfy chair!

I'm still trying to decide if Law and Order is

I have a friend who works for the DEA. He has a zero tolerance/zero humor policy towards any type of drug use, just like Hank. But boy, does he like to drink.

it was covered in coke/meth residue, so I believe it was just to show that Jesse was tweaking

think this exactly. She has friends in Eastern Europe, i'm sure there are two passports waiting for her and her daughter. Lydia is a flee-er, not a fighter.

has anyone addressed the fact that Jesse told Hank/Gomez about Drew Sharpe? I assume he told them Todd did it (and didn't pin it on Walter). They/the DEA/the APD should be rounding up Todd real soon, yes?

…or would they not even recognize Anna Gunn anymore?

Jesse did tell Walt he would hit him where he lived. That Santa and Skyler photo might have given him an idea.

I am loving this list.

your friend dated Casey Anthony?

@avclub-2672292548089c65c6648b3f200fcd7f:disqus  oh, me too, I'll go along with all of it, the Hello Kitty phone and even Huell being a hotdog-fingered pickpocket, but the Jesse realization just rang a bit false to me. As far as he knows, Brock wasn't poisoned by ricin, the cigarette DID get lost at his own house…  I

that scene was really creepy - from the way they looked at the waitress, the camera angles, to the Burt Reynolds reference. When they were in the men's room, the angle of the shot made me thingk we were going to see something horrific…

nicely put, Musashi

@avclub-e0a1578b57e32929a77892fadf0d0b40:disqus  "opium den" makes it sound so much classier than the urine-soaked mattress he was found passed out upon.

she reminds me of Bianca from America's Next Top Model. Only less emotionally reactive.

au contraire. Super scientist Walt wold have calculated the exact blast radius. Or thought he could, anyway.

Uncle Russell and he have had a massive fued (based on Russell's opinion of his play), his wife and he were close to divorce (they may have divorced by now) and his town was unhappy with him for being a creep/dick or not being enough of a creep/dick, depending on opinion.