Party of Four

I believe my aunt was his on-lot assistant during the Dallas days. I nee d to email my cousin to confirm this, but my aunt had some great stories about Larry, including pestering him to stop smoking, and then laughing when he became the anti-smoking Nazi.

I believe my aunt was his on-lot assistant during the Dallas days. I nee d to email my cousin to confirm this, but my aunt had some great stories about Larry, including pestering him to stop smoking, and then laughing when he became the anti-smoking Nazi.

so, I'm not in the US, help me out. Has Sophie done anything (besides haunt that house in Jamaica)? Do you see her perfume ads, is she on "E" or Entertainment Tonight, or whatever that was? She looked very modelly in the final show.

so, I'm not in the US, help me out. Has Sophie done anything (besides haunt that house in Jamaica)? Do you see her perfume ads, is she on "E" or Entertainment Tonight, or whatever that was? She looked very modelly in the final show.

they definitely are going for someone who will actually become a celebrity, minor or not. Laura's got the backstory, the (hopefully) redemption story of not being a mean girl any more, she takes a great photo, this will be good for Tyra. Leila will successfully model on runways in NY and Paris and outside of fashion

they definitely are going for someone who will actually become a celebrity, minor or not. Laura's got the backstory, the (hopefully) redemption story of not being a mean girl any more, she takes a great photo, this will be good for Tyra. Leila will successfully model on runways in NY and Paris and outside of fashion

by "so blah" you mean fan-freaking-tastic, yes? Tyra and her strange wrinkleless alien head, eyes a-gog, inviting you to a spooktacular, complete with ghost rape and stutter edit? The masks? The shit clothing, with, I believe, NO credited designer? Jeff Colby trying not to laugh at it all?

by "so blah" you mean fan-freaking-tastic, yes? Tyra and her strange wrinkleless alien head, eyes a-gog, inviting you to a spooktacular, complete with ghost rape and stutter edit? The masks? The shit clothing, with, I believe, NO credited designer? Jeff Colby trying not to laugh at it all?

wait til Mom and Dad see her and Kristin in action.

wait til Mom and Dad see her and Kristin in action.

oooh, I will totally watch The Face. I hope they take it seiously and have 16-19 year olds involved. Post-child labor with a tinge of sadness, hurrah!

oooh, I will totally watch The Face. I hope they take it seiously and have 16-19 year olds involved. Post-child labor with a tinge of sadness, hurrah!

I'm in Denmark, and no, it was a poor choice. Lise or Rikke would have done.

I'm in Denmark, and no, it was a poor choice. Lise or Rikke would have done.

the scene where Carrie tells Aidan springs from Miranda not telling Steve, which they sort of discuss, then Carrie, who is a somewhat multi-dimensionally written character in that she will lie to smooth things over, tells Aidan about her past. Really good episode, and yes to your other point. Abortion is so much more

the scene where Carrie tells Aidan springs from Miranda not telling Steve, which they sort of discuss, then Carrie, who is a somewhat multi-dimensionally written character in that she will lie to smooth things over, tells Aidan about her past. Really good episode, and yes to your other point. Abortion is so much more

I also can't believe Citizen Ruth wasn't discussed.

I also can't believe Citizen Ruth wasn't discussed.

I thought that episode was pretty sensitive. The fact that he worked at the same restaurant that he used to, 9 years later or something, showed that Carrie had moved on with her life, he hadn't.
And he didn't recognize her, although she sat at his table and basically re- introduced herself, which stunned her as the

I thought that episode was pretty sensitive. The fact that he worked at the same restaurant that he used to, 9 years later or something, showed that Carrie had moved on with her life, he hadn't.
And he didn't recognize her, although she sat at his table and basically re- introduced herself, which stunned her as the