yes, yes, Tim's comment was completely a pointed jab at Ven and anyone who would treat a client so badly. I REALLY wished Heidi had gone for his neck on the runway.
yes, yes, Tim's comment was completely a pointed jab at Ven and anyone who would treat a client so badly. I REALLY wished Heidi had gone for his neck on the runway.
indeed; said to husband, here's how a normal, sensitive human Ven handles it. "Ok, guess what, the only belts they have around here are for the stick insect models we have to deal with. This thing wouldn't fit around my leg. I'll get you a real belt, Terri, but right now lets hold it up to see if the look is right…"
indeed; said to husband, here's how a normal, sensitive human Ven handles it. "Ok, guess what, the only belts they have around here are for the stick insect models we have to deal with. This thing wouldn't fit around my leg. I'll get you a real belt, Terri, but right now lets hold it up to see if the look is right…"
Upgrading, like from DefCon 4 to DefCon5? Level orange to level …blue or whatever meant the haters of Freedom wren't coming to kill us this week? What is that supposed to mean?
Upgrading, like from DefCon 4 to DefCon5? Level orange to level …blue or whatever meant the haters of Freedom wren't coming to kill us this week? What is that supposed to mean?
iyyiyyiy, ok, we get it, she has reasonably nice tits, ok, duly noted.
iyyiyyiy, ok, we get it, she has reasonably nice tits, ok, duly noted.
also, the way he said "Fourteen" … I've heard my Irish mother speak more warmly of divorce and cancer than those two disgusting syllables coming from Ven's lips.
also, the way he said "Fourteen" … I've heard my Irish mother speak more warmly of divorce and cancer than those two disgusting syllables coming from Ven's lips.
I must question whether she actually was able to roll in a reference to Fonzie, who is certainly a) an American reference an b) way before her time. I think she was saying "chifonsies" and we are all giving her credit for being extra hilarious
I must question whether she actually was able to roll in a reference to Fonzie, who is certainly a) an American reference an b) way before her time. I think she was saying "chifonsies" and we are all giving her credit for being extra hilarious
oh, well that means you can and will still hear it in any of his current comedy appearances.
oh, well that means you can and will still hear it in any of his current comedy appearances.
freshly bathed baby!
freshly bathed baby!
I grew up near a Tootsie Roll factory. Very nice to be downwind of that.
I grew up near a Tootsie Roll factory. Very nice to be downwind of that.
and to add the postscript, Walter sees it as Skyler gave the money to "her lover", as if he was building his business or merrily buying a boat.
and to add the postscript, Walter sees it as Skyler gave the money to "her lover", as if he was building his business or merrily buying a boat.
@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus agreeing with Wad - Skyler wanted to divorce Walt and get out, but the thought, if she turned him in, of losing the house, bringing disrepute on Hank and most importantly, destroying Junior's image of his father was the least palatable option.
Especially when cancer…