Party of Four

I got the feeling that she was overly tired and, as she said on Carolla's podcast, she really, really cared about winning. She said the exposure and the charity were motivators going in, but once started, she had a burning desire to win each task and subsequently, to stay in longer than "the dumbasses on the team"

I liked how when he complimented his wife, he listed her as a "good friend" first, before wife, and love of his life.

"Idaho in the school play" made me laugh out loud.

and isn't she suposed to be mentoring? Last week's show she was practically interviewing them, and again this week, with loads of disinterest. So Mondo,  happy about your win? Tell me about Spring…?  I want them to take about the graments and what issues they are having, like, Uncle Tim would.

you keep your Grandma in a cell?

Mike Ditka?

Arundel, you seem to be the only one that caught the whiff of "plants". I've been to NYC enough so I do know there are quite a few street fashionistas about, and i know the shooting could have gone all day, with producers steering the boys towards eligibles, but that super, super hot guy that depantsed for Anthony…

yeah, you muffed that joke.

Would you like a cup of tea, father?

we are Toys, and they Я us.

and remember we saw Angelea AND Alison in headscarves. Did we see Lisa all wrapped up? And if not, she might have said hell, no, to yet another makeover, with her wedding upcoming.

Did it ever occur to Angelea that Buffalo might actually hate any association with her? All this annoying potentially unrequited 716 love… eeech.

wondering if, since the producers may have/would have known an All-Star cycle was coming, they exaggerated Alexandria's behaviour and edit in her cycle. But then as things go on, she is truly a nutjob, so maybe no exaggeration needed.

Nigel's enthusiasm was interesting to watch, especially as it roused Andre from his shame coma.

interesting, you might be right that Season 10 featured the highest fashion cast. I'd add in Claire as well, she had such a cool look.

okay this episode was all kinds of crazy. Can we please mention some of the greatness?

suspenders on girls with big boobs is a risky move.

Lisa made some point about having "years of experience in the biz" and though she was crazy on her original cycle, disurbingly, narcotically so, and is up-for-anything crazy here, she definitely seems like someone who gets that this is a BUSINESS and you act like a pro. She might have been impressed by Tyson Beckford,

same here. The fact that people buy the dreck that the "model" Jordan writes, or puts her name on, maybe, makes me die a little inside.

American Pie 2 may have been the justification for 9/11.