
What Was Lost 1 & 2 - I definitely agree that Grayza's sexual assault of Crichton is virtually unprecedented. Generally, men in genre shows (read: not a pure drama) are only deprived of their choices in a way that suggests that it's all OK. It's the "give it to Mikey, he'll eat anything" concept, the idea that sex is

Crichton Kicks - I would disagree with our belovéd reviewer about John's motives. I think it's clear that John is both grateful to Elack and whoever for saving his life, and he's also "paying it forward" to another Leviathan. He knows that these are gentle, cooperative sentients that have been hunted by others. I

The fact that the leads of Night of the Comet are two strong willful women is amazing. And it's not the point of the film, it's merely an element that, when added to the good action scenes, the novel storyline, and the events that transpire, combines to create a fine, fun film. The Last Starfighter is good, too, if

My Big Fat Geek Movie

Save it for Savage Love Wednesdays, pal! But seriously, Twice Shy was, to me, a mess. It's interesting for John's utter defeatism, and seeing Aeryn fall apart, and for the comedy of Dargo as well as Chiana's anger at her lost libido, but the rest of the episode doesn't work for me at all.

I know I'm not the only person who started commenting because of the Buffy/Angel reviews. They were exceptional.

I pushed for Koko to direct, but the studio refused

Sorry, I thought you wrote that you have most of the Australian DVDs save for season 4, hence the confusion. I am also in NYC, but I feel like I end up mentioning that at least once per week…

I try not to be as pessimistic as others are… I will note, though, about the loss of Classics coverage - I had a film blog for a while and at least three irl people who I told about it said "you review old movies? Why?" And I was so astonished by their attitude that I kind of didn't want to reply.

That's probably the best comparison - while I still appreciate/enjoy a lot of S1 Buffy, early TNG is quite rough… in any case, I think there are only a handful of truly "blah" eps in early s1 - I, ET, Exodus from Genesis, They've Got a Secret, and (of course) Jeremiah Crichton. At times, these episodes seemed like

It takes a little time to work things out. They built a huge, complex world, and it takes time to learn how you want to play each moment, or that a Rygel scene works better when you get your hands on the puppet… but it also establishes a starting point. I'm glad that the show descended into brutality, but didn't just

I'm always going to vote for Fuddruckers as the worst restaurant name, but I will concede all the ones named to evoke female genitalia are more offensive.

What did he do when they opened a place called "The Shitfit?"

Not to mention the fact that, hipster stupidity aside, it sounds like you're the person that you're really mad at. Wake up 10 minutes earlier, don't hate on small business owners…

It's damn good, and it's different from most of the rest of the movie. I get why you like it so much

Yes, force is mass * acceleration, and The Don has mass.

I'd sure hate to see a 6 year old who's a snob, a bigot, a misogynist, and is rife with inadequacy issues

"A mine is a terrible thing to waste"
- Dwarves Against the Advancement of Common Peoples

Yeah, I can't recall much except for a skirt being flipped, buy still… "women exist to be humiliated or treated in any way deemed sufficient and necessary for any rando guy's sexual gratification" is what should be on the coat of arms for the 80s.

Jesus H, OK I forgot about the scene where they all show their special skills and he excoriates her. That's evil.