
Yeah, about that… it's as maddening that every party before it was as non descript as possible. Then it turns into the house party from the Mission Impossible 3/the eaely seasons of Alias. Ugh

I suppose that's the case. I mean, King Kong + Hobbit = "let's wait" to me, but the man knows his way around a well-written horror film, that's all…

Argh. So much argh

I always refer to him now as "Academy Award Whisperer Eddie Redmayne."

I felt like they threw that in just to add some levity to the scene, much as they did with the aftermath of Rob Thomas (the singer) having died. That was really morbid and veeeery funny, and added a nice note to the all the feelings generated by the season 2 finale.

It's the opposite of the Gosling film, really…

Yknow just in case the gross and threatening sexual nature represented by the Alien creature, in all its life stages, wasn't enough for you, I think… yeah, I think an Alien film needs the actual threat of sexual assault from men…

I'll see you Wednesday in Savage Love to talk about the breakup. My condolences, man…

I don't care about the Cthulhu part of things - it would be a great end-goal (or "end of phase 2 or 3" goal)… but I really wanted to say that if they wanted to remake the old Hammer horror films, their first move should be to hire the best writers and directors that they can, preferably people with a mind for tense

The two things that amaze me the most about her: 1) at first I assumed Aida would be a very thankless role, and instead it turned into a great showcase for this Aussie actress I've never heard of before and
2) her waist is so insanely slender that I can't believe it. Seriously her waist looks, like, 15 inches wide.

It's really an incredible accomplishment. I caught up a this past month and I was floored.

It was when you tore down your "Hang in there, kitten" poster that I knew you had given up.

Did Strom Thurmond stand as proof that only the good die young?

Silly Neurozach, only British people can fly! You shouldn't listen to pans, and you shouldn't listen to British people.

I don't know. The plans to a power plant part of it was probably the most confusing aspect…

I'm not saying the whole thing was hilarious, but the mayor reading to kids - and continuing to do so - was very very funny, to me.

I think the reasoning was that it was a twist and it gave him something to do and he has the rep of being a serial killer. Whatevs

I thought he meant "Sampo" and he was making an odd mst3k reference

Thats a really good possibility. It's kind of frustrating that the death of the two prior bosses was cast aside until this, the season finale. Then again, they had so many plots playing out this season, there was only so much time. Like the Hacker. What the hell was that about?